• : Sawyer 1568, MS 1: London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. xiii
  • : Worcester
  • : Oxfordshire
  • : Pyrton [2]
  • : 1

þis syndan þæs ƿwudes gemeara into readanoran `id est pirit´

<7>lang engl-unga dene ealsƿwa ƿwæter ƿwile yrnan innan þæne hæþenan byrgels of þan hæðenan byrgels be ƿwyrtƿwalan innan bar uot s[l]æd1 <7> of bar fot s[l]æde innan timber s`l´æd <7> of timber s[l]æde innan steapan cnolles scyd <7> of steapan cnolles scydde on han slædes hæfdan <7> of han s`l´ædes heafdan innan grenan ƿweg <7> of þam grenan ƿwege innan healdæ mæres hling <7> of þam hlince innan stan-oran lege <7> of stan-oran lege innan stan meres hling <7> of stan meres hlince on ca denes heafdan <7> of ca denes heafdan on hole meres hling <7> of hole meres hling innan stan beorh <7> of stan beorhge innan þæne smalan æsc of þon smalan æscsce innan þone mapeldre on ƿwesthalfe asume dene of þan map`e´ldre in edles ƿwyrte `pitte´ innan drage meres hling <7> of drage meres hlince innan rugan ƿwic <7> of rugan ƿwic innan depan hamsteal on hrem ryrc <7> of hrem hrycce on þene fulan slostendan apeldere ofer innan siger dene <7> of siger dene innan badan dene on clacces ƿwad land <7> of clacces ƿwad lande into lufe m`e´re `lufan mere´ þær ut on þæne feld <;>


Emended readings supplied with reference to L104.0 and the emendations within this text