Select a category and then a letter. Click your chosen headword for a concordance ordered by County and Estate.

Note that the General Glossary is selected by default: here we present the correspondences between the LangScape headword and the headwords in selected dictionaries (see Abbreviations); your search criteria will match with any of these. The display also shows how we have treated ‘compounds’ (eg. under ‘burh’, you will see that ‘burhware’ is treated as one LangScape headword but ‘eorþ+burg’ as two).

OE Dictionaries
PN Elements
Comments See also ‘compounds’
(ge)bind gebind - binding
(ge)blawan (ge)blāwan - to blow blawan & geblawan listed separately in DOE
(ge)bocian (ge)bōcian - to grant bocian & gebocian listed separately in DOE
(ge)bur (ge)būr (ge)būr peasant bur & gebur listed separately in DOE; (ge)bur in VEPN & CH
byge byge : gebyge byge bend Includes also DOE's gebyge
byht byht : gebyhte byht bend Includes also DOE/CH's gebyhte
(ge)byrian (ge)byrian - to belong byrian & gebyrian listed separately in DOE
(ge)byrst byrst (ge)byrst burst, slip eorþ+(ge)byrst
(ge)bytle gebytlu (ge)bytle building (ge)bytlu emended to (ge)bytle in JEPN Vol. 1
cleofan clēofan (ge)clofen to cleave
clyppan clyppan : geclypped - to enclose
(ge)dal (ge)dāl dāl share dal & gedal listed separately in DOE; gedal only in CH
(ge)dalland (ge)dālland - share land dalland and gedalland listed separately in DOE; gedalland only in CH
(ge)delf (ge)delf (ge)delf digging, quarry delf & gedelf are listed separately in DOE
(ge)feall feall : gefeall : (ge)fiell *(ge)fall fall feall & gefeall have separate entries in DOE; (ge)fiell in CH wæter+(ge)feall
(ge)fere gefēre - community
flit flit (ge)flit dispute
(ge)fyrhþ fyrhþ : gefyrhþe (ge)fyrhþ wood, scrubland fyrhþ & gefyrhþe under separate entries in DOE; see also Gelling&Cole under fyrhth(e)
gadertang gadertang - connected
(ge)gadrian (ge)gadrian - to unite
gafol2 gafol2 gafol2 tribute gafol2 in PnEl is gafol1 in DOE and vice versa
gafol1 gafol2 gafol1 fork gafol1 in PnEl is gafol2 in DOE and vice versa
gagel gagel gagel bog-myrtle
gan gān - to go
gandra gandra - gander Not in PnEl but included in Notts List
gang gang gang track
gar gār gār spear
gara gāra gāra gore, triangular plot Includes strong & weak forms
garth - garth hill The British element rather than the later term
gat gāt gāt goat
gata - gata road
gæred gǣred - wedge-shaped
gærstun gærstūn gærs-tūn paddock
ge ge - both
geac gēac gēac cuckoo
gealga gealga galga gallows
*gean- gēan- - counter gean+lad
geap gēap gēap spacious, bent
*gear gear *gear yair, fish-weir In DOE as ? gear
geard geard geard fence, enclosure
gearn gearn gearn yarn gearnwinde
gearnwinde gearnwinde - yarn-winder cp.gearn-windel in NottsList
gear2 gēar - year
geat geat geat gate, gap burh+geat : crypel+geat : *hæcc+geat : hlyp+geat : hlid+geat : tyrn+geat : *wind+geat
gegan gēgan - to cry out
geneat genēat - follower
geneatland (ge)nēatland - geneat land
geoc geoc geoc yoke
geolu geolu geolu yellow
geond geond - yonder Listed in CH as adv. but also has adjectival sense
gesiþ gesīþ (ge)sīþ retainer
gibbe - - cat, ferret Not in PnEl but included in Notts List
*gifete - *gīfete plover
ginn ginn - wide
gisl gīsl - hostage
glæd glæd glæd bright
glædene glædene - iris
*glente - *glente bird of prey
glind glind *glind enclosure, fence
god god god God
godman - - lord Middle English
gold gold gold gold
golde golde golde marigold
gor gor gor slime
gos gōs gōs goose
graf grāf : grāfa : grǣfa grāf : grǣfe grove Conflates PnEl graf (which includes grafa & grafe) and græfe. See also Gelling&Cole (under græfe)
grafet - grāfet grove grafet is glossed, erroneously, as 'trench' in CH, and the PnEl entry is emended in JEPN 1 to 'gravet' (grove)
grama grama - demon
græf græf græf : *grāfa pit, trench Conflates PnEl's græf & *grafa
græg1 grǣg grǣg1 grey
græg2 - grǣg2 badger?
great grēat grēat great
*grendel - *grendel gravelly place
grene grēne grēne green
greot grēot grēot gravel
grima grīma grīming goblin
grin (ge)grīn - snare
grindel - - grind-stone Not in PnEl but included in Notts List
grund grund grund ground
grundleas grundlēas - bottomless Not in PnEl, but included in Notts List
gryfja - gryfja hole, pit
guma guma - man
gyfan giefan : gyfan - to give giefan in CH : gyfan in DOE
gyfu gyfu - gift, grant giefu in CH : gyfu in DOE
gyld gyld : gield gild tax gield in CH : gyld in DOE
*gylde - *gylde (a golden flower)
gylden gylden gylden golden
gyr gyru gyr mud
gyrd gyrd : gierd gerd stake, rod
Gyrwe - - the Gyrwe mentioned in DOE under '?gyru'
*gyse - *gyse gushing water
*gysel - *gysel gushing water
gyt gӯt : gīet - yet
gyte gyte gyte flood
(ge)hatan (ge)hātan - to command
(ge)hæg gehæg (ge)hæg enclosure, fence
(ge)hleowan (ge)hlēowan - to shelter
(ge)hyrstan (ge)hyrstan - to decorate
lad lād (ge)lād watercourse LangScape follows Gelling&Cole in treating lad and gelad separately gean+lad
(ge)læt gelǣte (ge)lǣt junction
(ge)lecgan (ge)lecgan - to dispose, attach
*gelegu - - lair, bed see PNGloucs. p. 171
(ge)mæne (ge)mǣne (ge)mǣne common
gemænnes gemǣnnes - community
(ge)mære (ge)mǣre (ge)mǣre boundary landgemære
(ge)mærsian (ge)mǣrsian - to mark out
mearc mearc : mearca : gemierce mearc boundary Includes CH's (ge)mearc, mearca & gemierce landmearc
(ge)mearcian (ge)mearcian - to mark, bound
(ge)met (ge)met - measure mil+gemet
(ge)mot (ge)mōt (ge)mōt meeting ea+mot
(ge)myþe gemӯþe (ge)mӯþe confluence
(ge)reþru (ge)rēþru - oars
(ge)riht (ge)riht riht direct, true Adjectival; cp. (ge)rihte (adv.)
(ge)rihtan (ge)rihtan - to instruct
(ge)rihte rihte : gerihte : rihtes - straight, true Adverbial; cp. (ge)riht (adj.)
(ge)rowan (ge)rōwan - to row
(ge)sceadan (ge)scēadan - to form a boundary
sceot (ge)scot sc(e)ot shooting See also scyte
scoren (ge)scieran scoren shorn
*(ge)sell - (ge)sell hut
(ge)set (ge)set (ge)set dwelling, fold
(ge)settan (ge)settan - to plant
streon strēon (ge)strēon treasure, procreation
(ge)swelg geswelg swelg whirlpool, gulf Includes apparently weak forms
tang (ge)tang tang tongs
(ge)twis getwis (ge)twis twin, forked
(ge)unnan (ge)unnan - to grant
(ge)wæd (ge)wæd (ge)wæd ford See also Gelling&Cole under gewæd
(ge)weorc geweorc (ge)weorc (earth)work
(ge)weorp geweorp - heap
(ge)weorpan (ge)weorpan - to throw
(ge)weorþan (ge)weorþan - to be
(ge)wisian (ge)wīsian - to instruct
(ge)witnes (ge)witnes - witness
gewrinclian gewrinclian - to wind about
gewyrpe gewyrpe - heap