Browse for Bounds
Browse for bounds by clicking one of the following options. Follow the links to view details of the bounds or see their location. Clicking the LangScape bounds number will take you to the full text.
- Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Peniarth 390
- Bede, «Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum», ed. J. Smith (Cambridge, 1722)
- Brussels, Bibliotèque Royale, 7965-73 (3723)
- Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Record Office, 588/Z3
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 111
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 189
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 302
- Cambridge, Pembroke College 302
- Cambridge, Trinity College O.2.1
- Cambridge, Trinity College O.2.41
- Cambridge, Trinity Hall 1
- Cambridge, University Library, Add. 3020
- Cambridge, University Library, Add. 3021
- Cambridge, University Library, EDC 1B/1A
- Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 2. 33
- Cambridge, University Library, Gg.4.4
- OpenCambridge, University Library, Mm. 4. 19
- Cambridge, University Library, Mm.4.19
- Canterbury, City Archives, Roll I/Z/1
- OpenCanterbury, D.C., C 1281 (Red Book no. 19)
- OpenCanterbury, D.C., Chart Ant. F 150 (Red Book, no. 11)
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant.
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. C 1278 (Red Book, no. 6)
- OpenCanterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. C 1279 (Red Book, no. 7)
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. C 1280 (Red Book no 9)
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. E 206 (Red Book no. 13)
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. H 130
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. M 14 (Red Book no. 10)
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. R 14 (Red Book no. 14)
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. R 51
- Canterbury, D.C., Chart. Ant. T 37
- Canterbury, D.C., Lit. MS E. 19
- Canterbury, D.C., Reg. A
- Canterbury, D.C., Reg. C
- Canterbury, D.C., Reg. E
- Canterbury, D.C., Reg. P
- Chelmsford, Essex Record Office, D/DCm/Z18/1
- Chelmsford, Essex Record Office, D/DP T209
- Chichester, West Sussex Record Office, Cap. I/17/1
- Chichester, West Sussex Record Office, Episc. VI/1/1 (Liber A)
- Chichester, West Sussex Record Office, Episc. VI/1/2 (Liber B)
- Chichester, West Sussex Record Office, Episc. VI/1/4 (Liber E)
- Chichester, West Sussex Record Office, Episc. VI/1/6 (Liber Y)
- Derbyshire, Chatsworth, St Albans Cartulary
- Dorchester, Dorset History Centre, D/FSI/charter 1024 (olim Dorset R.O., D. 124)
- Downside Abbey, Phillips MS 4810
- Ely, D. & C. (Liber Eliensis)
- Exeter, D.C.
- OpenExeter, D.C., 1705
- Exeter, D.C., 1706
- Exeter, D.C., 2517
- Exeter, D.C., 2518
- Exeter, D.C., 2519
CloseExeter, D.C., 2520
- - ; Archive: Exeter; a charter of ?A.D. 961 containing bounds of Clyst St Mary? («Clyst wicon»), Devon; S669; bounds in English, L669.0.00
- Exeter, D.C., 2521
- Exeter, D.C., 2522
- Exeter, D.C., 2523
- Exeter, D.C., 2524
- Exeter, D.C., 2525
- OpenExeter, D.C., 2526
- Exeter, D.C., 2527
- Exeter, D.C., 2528
- Exeter, D.C., 2530
- Exeter, D.C., 3672
- Exeter, D.R.O., Chanter 4 (olim E/R 4)
- G. Hickes, «Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae et Moeso-Gothicae» (Oxford, 1703), part i of Hickes, Thesaurus
- Gloucester, Gloucestershire Record Office, D2026/L10/26
- Hatfield House, Ilford Hospital 1/6
- Hertford, Herts. Record Office, D/ELw Z 22/4
- Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas, Kenneth Spenser Research Library, Dpt of Special Collections, E 107
- London, British Library, Add. 14847
- London, British Library, Add. 14907
- London, British Library, Add. 15350
- London, British Library, Add. 15667
- London, British Library, Add. 33182
- London, British Library, Add. 39758
- London, British Library, Add. 4548
- London, British Library, Add. 4558
- OpenLondon, British Library, Add. 4562
- London, British Library, Add. 46204
- London, British Library, Add. 46487
- London, British Library, Add. 53710
- London, British Library, Add. 56488
- London, British Library, Add. 5937
- London, British Library, Add. 82931
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19516
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19788
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19789
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19793
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19794
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19795
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19798
- London, British Library, Add. Ch. 19801
- London, British Library, Arundel 178
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 101
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 102
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 16
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 22
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 23
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 24
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 29
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 3
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 32
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 33
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 39
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 4
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 41
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 43
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 44
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 45
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 46
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 5
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 57
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 59
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 6
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 62
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 63
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 65
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 66
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 68
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 69
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 71
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 72
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 73
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 74
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 75
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 77
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 82
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 83
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 86
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 88
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 89
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 91
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 93
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 94
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 95
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 96
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 98
- London, British Library, Cotton Augustus ii. 99
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters vi. 4
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 11
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 12
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 14
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 16A
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 17
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 18
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 19
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 22
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 28
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 29
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 31
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 32
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 33
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 34
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 35
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 36
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 4
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 6
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters viii. 9
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters xi. 11
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters xi. 51
- London, British Library, Cotton Charters xii. 76
- London, British Library, Cotton Claudius A. viii
- London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. iii
- London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. vi
- London, British Library, Cotton Claudius C. ix
- London, British Library, Cotton Claudius D. x
- OpenLondon, British Library, Cotton Julius D. ii.
- London, British Library, Cotton Nero D. i
- London, British Library, Cotton Nero E. i, pt 2
- London, British Library, Cotton Roll ii. 11
- London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. ix
- London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. vi
- London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. xiii
- London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius C. ix
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. ix
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A. v
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. xv
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. xx
- London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B. xxiv
- London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A. ii
- London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A. xiii
- London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius C. ix
- London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius D. vii
- London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius E. v
- London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius E. xv
- London, British Library, Egerton 2733
- London, British Library, Harley 1866
- London, British Library, Harley 258
- London, British Library, Harley 2965
- London, British Library, Harley 358
- London, British Library, Harley 3763
- London, British Library, Harley 391
- London, British Library, Harley 436
- London, British Library, Harley 4660
- London, British Library, Harley 5071
- London, British Library, Harley 596
- London, British Library, Harley 61
- London, British Library, Harley 638
- London, British Library, Harley 66
- London, British Library, Harley 743
- London, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 1
- London, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 2
- OpenLondon, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 3
- OpenLondon, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 4
- London, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 5
- OpenLondon, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 6
- London, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 7
- London, British Library, Harley Charter 43 C. 8
- London, British Library, Harley Roll Z. 17
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 170
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 207c
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 417
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 442
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 446
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 447
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 717
- London, British Library, Lansdowne 863
- CloseLondon, British Library, Loan 30
- London, British Library, Stowe 843
- London, British Library, Stowe 853
- London, British Library, Stowe 944
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 1
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 10
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 11
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 12
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 13
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 14
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 17
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 21
- OpenLondon, British Library, Stowe Charters 22
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 23
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 24
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 25
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 26
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 29
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 30
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 32
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 33
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 34
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 35
- OpenLondon, British Library, Stowe Charters 38
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 4
- London, British Library, Stowe Charters 41
- London, College of Arms, Waiting Room
- London, Corporation of London Records Office, 'Liber Fleetwood'
- London, Lambeth Palace 1212
- London, Lambeth Palace 1370
- London, Lambeth Palace 582
- London, Society of Antiquaries, 175
- London, Society of Antiquaries, 38
- OpenLondon, Society of Antiquaries, 60
- London, TNA 53/119 (olim PRO Ch.R. 5 Hen VII)
- London, TNA 53/199 (olim PRO Charter Rolls, 5 Hen VII)
- London, TNA ??? (olim PRO E 164/24)
- London, TNA C 260/68, Item 47/52/1/1 (Chancery Miscellanea)
- London, TNA C 260/94, Item 47/58/1/30 (Chancery Miscellanea)
- London, TNA C 52/12 (olim PRO Cart. Ant. R.12)
- London, TNA C 53/105 (olim PRO Ch.R. 12 Edw. II) ?
- London, TNA C 53/113 (olim PRO Ch.R. 20 Edw. II)
- London, TNA C 53/118 (olim PRO Ch.R. 5 Edw. III)
- London, TNA C 53/119 (olim PRO Ch.R. 6 Edw. III)
- London, TNA C 53/130 (olim PRO Ch.R. 17 Edw. III)
- London, TNA C 53/146 (olim PRO Ch.R. 36 Edw. III)
- London, TNA C 53/155 (olim PRO Ch.R. 1 Ric. II)
- London, TNA C 53/157 (olim PRO Ch.R. 3 Ric. II)
- London, TNA C 53/175 (olim PRO Ch.R. 6-7 Hen. IV)
- London, TNA C 53/176 (olim PRO Ch.R. 8 Hen. IV)
- London, TNA C 53/187 (olim PRO Ch.R. 5-20 Hen. VI)
- London, TNA C 53/193 (olim PRO Ch.R. 2-4 Edw. IV)
- London, TNA C 53/199 (olim PRO Ch.R. 5 Hen. VII)
- London, TNA C 53/95 (olim PRO, Ch.R. 2 Edw. II)
- London, TNA C 53/99 (olim PRO Ch.R. 6 Edw. II)
- London, TNA C 56/12 (olim PRO Conf. R. 2 Hen. VII, pt 3)
- London, TNA C 56/26 (olim PRO Conf. R. 1 Hen. VIII)
- London, TNA C 56/32 (olim PRO Conf. R. 1 Hen. VIII, pt 8)
- London, TNA C 56/4 (olim PRO Conf. R. 2 Ric. III, pt 1)
- London, TNA C 66/308 (olim PRO Pat. R. 4 Ric. II, pt 1)
- London, TNA C 66/338 (olim PRO Pat. R. 17 Ric. II, pt 1)
- London, TNA C 66/355 (olim PRO Pat. R. 1 Hen. IV, pt 2)
- London, TNA C 66/400 (olim PRO Pat. R. 5 Hen. V)
- London, TNA C 66/409 (olim PRO Pat. R. 1 Hen. VI, pt 3)
- London, TNA C 66/414 (olim PRO Pat. R. 2 Hen. VI, pt 3)
- London, TNA C 66/418 (olim PRO Pat. R. 4 Hen. VI, pt 1)
- London, TNA C 66/511 (olim PRO Pat. R. 4 Edw. IV, pt 4)
- London, TNA C 66/521 (olim PRO Pat. R. 8 Edw. IV, pt 1)
- London, TNA C 66/566 (olim PRO Pat. R. 2 Hen. VII, pt 2)
- London, TNA C 66/582 (olim PRO Pat. R. 14 Hen. VII, pt 1)
- London, TNA E 132/3/57
- London, TNA E 164/27
- London, TNA E 164/28
- London, TNA E 32/16
- London, TNA PRO 30/26/11
- London, TNA PRO 31/5/12, no. 18
- London, Westminster Abbey, Muniment Book 11
- London, Westminster Abbey, Muniment book 5
- London, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. I
- London, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. II
- London, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. III
- London, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. IV
- OpenLondon, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. V
- London, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. VI
- London, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. VII
- London, Westminster Abbey, W.A.M. X
- Longleat, Marquess of Bath, 39
- Longleat, Marquess of Bath, Muniment 10564
- Longleat, Marquess of Bath, NMR 10565
- OpenLongleat, Marquess of Bath, NMR 10586
- Maidstone, Kent Archives Office DRb/Ar2 (Liber Temporalium)
- Manchester, John Rylands Library, English 880
- Medway Archives, DRc/R1 (Textus Roffensis)
- Northampton, Northants Record Office, Finch-Hatton 113
- Oxford, All Souls College, 32
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Add. C. 296
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 297
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 10
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 120
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 38
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 78
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dodsworth 9
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dugdale 11
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dugdale 13
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Dugdale 21
- OpenOxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2, no. I
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2, no. IIa
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2, no. IIb
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2, no. III
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2, no. VI
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. a. 2, no. VII
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. hist. c. 241
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gough Berks. 20
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gough Cambridge 22
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, James 24
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, James 29
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B. 252
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B. 445 (olim 443)
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Tanner 165
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Tanner 223
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Top. Northants. c. 21
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Top. Northants. c. 23
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Twyne 22
- OpenOxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 1
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Wood empt. 5
- Oxford, Christ Church, Chapter Library, 'Eynsham Cartulary'
- Oxford, Christ Church, St Frideswide's Cartulary
- Oxford, Corpus Christi College 160
- Oxford, Corpus Christi College 255
- Oxford, Dr D. Rogers
- Oxford, Queen's College, 368
- P. Morant, «The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex», vol. i, 1768
- OpenParis, Archives nationales, Cartons des rois, K. 19, no. 6
- Paris, Archives nationales, LL 1156
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, français 19116
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 10575
- Peterborough, D.C., 1
- Peterborough, D.C., 5
- Peterborough, D.C., 6
- Petworth House Archives 11601
- OpenRouen, Archives départmentale, Seine inférieure, 14 H 145
- Stafford, Staffordshire Record Office D603/A/ADD 2 (olim Burton-on-Trent, Burton-on-Trent Museum, Muniments 2)
- Stafford, Staffordshire Record Office D603/A/ADD 3 (olim Burton-on-Trent, Burton-on-Trent Museum, Muniments 3)
- Stafford, Staffordshire Record Office, Temporary Deposit 1406
- OpenStafford, William Salt Library, 84/1/41
- Stafford, William Salt Library, 84/2/41
- Stafford, William Salt Library, 84/3/41
- OpenStafford, William Salt Library, 84/4/41
- Stafford, William Salt Library, 84/5/41
- Stafford, William Salt Library, S. MS 7
- T. Hearne (ed.), «T. Sprotti Chronica», Oxford, 1719
- T. Madox, «Formulare Anglicanum» (London, 1702)
- Taunton, Somerset Record Office, DD/CC 111489
- Trowbridge, Wiltshire Record Office, 2667/23/29/3
- Trowbridge, Wiltshire Record Office, 2667/23/29/4
- Trowbridge, Wiltshire Record Office, 2667/29/23/1
- W. Dugdale, «Monasticon Anglicanum» (London, 1655)
- W. Somner, «The Antiquities of Canterbury» (London, 1640)
- Wells, D.C., Liber Albus II
- Wells, D.C., Wells Cathedral Charter 1
- Winchester Cathedral Library, XXB
- Winchester, DC., Library Showcase
- Winchester, DC., Library Showcase, W55A/2
- Winchester, DC., St Swithun's Cartulary, pt 3
- Winchester, Winchester College Muniments Room, WCM 12090
- OpenWinchester, Winchester College Muniments Room, WCM 12091
- Winchester, Winchester College Muniments Room, WCM 12093 (olim Cabinet 7. Drawer 2.4)
- Worcester, DC., Additional MS in safe
- Wrottesley, Lord Wrottesley, Muniments
- Wrottesley, Lord Wrottesley, Muniments (dest. 1897; ptd 1881)
- York, DC., Magnum Registrum Album, pt 1
- York, DC., Magnum Registrum Album, pt 2